
(Zone 6)(5') Evergreen shrub whose foliage turns bronze in the winter. Pink flowers are slightly fragrant in May through September.

Read more... (Zone 6) (3’) A selection from Panoramic Farms of North Carolina. New growth emerges a bright yellow with a light green center. The flower buds are light pink and open to white throughout the summer. The fall and winter foliage is a spectacular combination of yellow, bright orange, pink and a fiery red.

Abelia x grandiflora 'ABLR-PII' PP35,470. (Zone 6)(3'H x 5'W) Compact, variegated sport of 'Little Richard'. Attractive white variegation that takes on a pink tint in fall and winter. Covered in white blooms in late Summer and Fall.

PP#21,929, Radiance Abelia Read more... (Zone 6) (2-3’ h x 4-5’ w) Colorful variegated foliage, vivid crimson stem color and a tight compact habit. New foliage is medium green with creamy yellow margins, aging to silvery-green with cream white margins. Fragrant white tubular flowers. Excellent as accent plant, in mass plantings or in containers.
Amsonia & Aronia

Read more... (Zone 5) (Perennial to 3’) Fine textured fern-like foliage, small star-shaped blue flowers, yellow fall foliage and deer resistance contributes to its designation as 2011 Perennial Plant of the Year. Commonly known as Blue Star.

(Zone 5) (8Ft.) A superior selection of our native shrub. Dark green leaves that turn brilliant red in fall. White flowers in mid-April and bright red berries in September that persist through winter. Good plant for moist soils and much loved by birds.

(Zone 7) (6-8’ h x 5-7’ w) A nice evergreen shrub for shady areas. Bright golden yellow variegation with vivid markings. A male that is an excellent pollinator for female forms.

Read more... (Zone 7) (4’) Long, narrow, lance-shaped leaves that are dark green with many yellow splotches and spots. Compact grower.

Read more... (Zone 7) (6’) I first saw this Aucuba at Hilliers Arboretum in England in 2002. An evergreen shrub with foliage heavily splashed with yellow variegation. A female that produces red fruit.

Read more... (Zone 5) (6’) Red-purple fragrant blooms on dark green foliage. More compact habit than ‘Royal Red’. Seedling selection of Mike Dirr’s named by Ted Stephens of Nurseries Caroliniana.

Read more... Features an extremely dark purple floral stem.

Read more... (Zone 5) (6’) True blue flowers are held upright on this semi-compact shrub with clean, gray-blue-green foliage.

Buddleia davidii 'PIIBD-II' PP#26,278 Read more... Zone 6) (6-8’ h x 6-8’ w) Rounded to upright habit with dark green foliage, gray beneath. Reddish pink inflorescences with orange center are very upright and fragrant, averaging 6-8” long. Flowers produced from summer until first frost. Not sterile. Bred by Plant Introductions, Inc.

Buddleia davidii 'PIIBD-I' PP#26,305 Read more... - (Zone 6) (8-10’ h x 6-8’ w) Compact, rounded to upright habit with dark green foliage. Fragrant, arching 8-10” long rich dark violet-purple inflorescensces with orange center. Flowers into fall. Not sterile, bred by Plant Introductions, Inc.

Read more... Features beautiful pink floral stems atop green shrub.

Read more... (Zone 6) (2’) An introduction from John Peerenboom in Holland. Evergreen shrub with a compact globose growth habit. Foliage is bright green with a golden border.

Read more... Zone 6) (4’ h x 4’ w) Rounded, fullbodied, slow-growing Buxus with small dark green leaves.

Read more... (Zone 6) (5’ h x 5’ w) A handsome light green, small leaved form that is very hardy and less likely to bronze in winter. Dense compact, many-branched, broad, mounded evergreen shrub.
Callicarpa americana

Read more... (Zone 7) (4-8’) Lavender flowers and large violet fruit in clusters in the fall and winter.

Read more... (Zone 6) (Perennial to 3’) Deep blue flowers from JuneSeptember

Caryopteris x clandonensis ‘Blauer Splatz’ Read more... Zone 5) (2’ h x 3’ w) A compact low maintenance shrub with blue flowers in mid-summer. Deer resistant, drought tolerant and attracts butterflies. From Kordes Nursery in Germany.
Cercis 'Don Egolf'

Read more... (Zone 6) (9’ h x 9’ w) A shrub type redbud with abundant deep rosy mauve flowers up and down the stems in March. A National Arboretum release from the renowned breeder Dr. Don Egolf. Blooms at a young age and easier to root than your typical Cercis. 2012 RHS Award of Garden Merit winner

Read more... (Zone 6) (9’ h x 9’ w) A shrub type redbud with abundant deep rosy mauve flowers up and down the stems in March. A National Arboretum release from the renowned breeder Dr. Don Egolf. Blooms at a young age and easier to root than your typical Cercis. 2012 RHS Award of Garden Merit winner

Read more... (Zone 4-8) (50’) A broad pyramidal form with graceful frond-like branchlets which gently droop at tips. Sprays of feathery rich golden-yellow foliage changing to green within the plant’s interior distinguish this fine-textured evergreen.

Read more... A compact yellow foliaged form that performs well in the South.

Read more... (Zone 4-8) (10-15’) A yellow foliaged cultivar that holds its color duringthe hot months in the South. Looks to be more compact and spreading than ‘Gold Mop’

Read more... (Zone 3) (3’) Compact form with dark green foliage and fragrant white flowers in June-July.

Read more... (Zone 3) (4-8’) The darkest pink flowering cultivar available. The flower buds are red before they open.

Read more... (Zone 6) (7-10’ h x 5-6’ w) A beautiful, restrained, raindrop-shaped, blue-green needled evergreen shrub. Densely foliaged to the base with upswept branches. Lustrous blue-green color persists year-round. Free of brown male cones typically produced by Cryptomeria.

Read more... (Zone 5) (4-8’) Dense dome shaped form. The foliage looks identical to the taller species.

Read more... (Zone 5) (10’) Dense pyramidal growth with shorter needles and darker green foliage than the species. Holds its color in the winter.

Read more... (Zone 6) (60’) Fast growing upright evergreen that maintains its dark green foliage through the winter. Great for screening and Christmas trees.

Read more... (Zone 6) (60’) A finer textured selection that grows faster and has less disease problems than Leyland Cypress.

Distylium hybrid ‘PIIDIST-II’ PP#24,409 Read more... (Zone 7) (3-4’) Evergreen with compact, layered, spreading habit. Maroon-purple new growth matures to dark blue-green. Disease & insect resistant. Tolerant of drought and wet soils. Photo courtesy of Gardener's Confidence® Collection

Distylium hybrid ‘BLDY02’ PPIP Read more... (Zone 7a) (3-4’ h x 3-4’ w) Cast in Bronze® is a moderate to fast growing, upright, rounded evergreen that is perfect for a medium sized hedge or screen. Showy, bronzy-maroon new growth matures to shiny, dark green.

Distylium ‘PIIDIST-V’ PP#27,631 Read more... (Zone 7) (3’ h x 5 w’) A mounding selection from Plant Introductions, Inc. with small, narrow and fine-textured foliage that emerges with a blue-purple tint. A different texture than PII’s other Distylium introductions.

Distylium 'PIIDIST-III' PP#25,304 Read more... (Zone 7) (4’ h x 5’ w) Dense evergreen with bronze-purple new growth that matures to dark bluish green. Compact, rounded to spreading growth habit. Petite red flowers in winter. Full sun to moderate shade; tolerates drought, heat, wet soil and exceptional resistance to disease & insects. Bred by Plant Introductions, Inc.
![Emerald Heights™ Distylium_blooms[1]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/a288e4_916736f40fa84617bab1725a7796a98e~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_145,h_194,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,blur_2,enc_avif,quality_auto/a288e4_916736f40fa84617bab1725a7796a98e~mv2.jpg)
Distylium hybrid ‘PIIDIST-1’ PP#24,410 Read more... (Zone 7) (5-6’) Evergreen replacement for cherry laurels, junipers, hollies & Indian hawthornes with an upright spreading habit. Light green new growth matures to dark green. Disease & insect resistant, tolerates drought and wet soil. Full sun, more open and taller in partial shade. Photo courtesy of Gardener's Confidence® Collection.

Distylium ‘PIIDIST-VI’ PP#29,779 Read more... (Zone 7) (3’ h x 5’ w) A low growing, well branched, prostrate selection from Plant Introductions Inc. In ground trial plants have exhibited no cold damage for the past four years. Dainty blue-green leaves are densely arranged on horizontal branches.

Distylium hybrid ‘Vintage Jade’ PP#23,128 Read more... (Zone 7) (2’ h x 5’ w) Dark green evergreen with low-spreading growth habit. This member of the Hamamelis family has crimson/red flowers along the stem in January/February. Great replacement for cherry laurels, hollies and mounding junipers. Full sun to partial shade. Tolerates drought and wet soil.

Read more... (Zone 5) (6’) A Michael Dirr selection with compact growth, white flowers in spring and multicolored fall color. Recipient of 2012 RHS Award of Garden Merit.

Read more... (Zone 6) (5’) Semi-double fragrant white flowers in the spring.

Gardenia Hybrid ‘Leefive’ PPAF Read more... (Zone 7a) (3-4’ h x 2’ w) Remarkable columnar gardenia with coin shaped glossy green leaves and single daisy gardenia flowers that rebloom spring through summer.

Gardenia jasminoides ‘Double Mint’ PP#23,507 Read more... (Zone 7) (3’ h x 3’ w) Compact, rounded growth habit with double 2” fragrant flowers that rebloom all summer long. No other double flowering Gardenia approaches ‘Double Mint’ in its reblooming capacity. Lustrous dark foliage.

Gardenia jasminoides ‘Leeone’ PP21983 Read more... (Zone 7) (3-4’ h x 3’ w) A compact grower with fragrant double white blooms in spring. Reblooms late spring through fall.

Gardenia jasminoides ‘4BELLACJ01’ PPAF Read more... (Zone 6b) (3’ h x 4’ w) This beauty has single blooms, very dense growth habit with masses of blooms in spring. Its small compact form makes it perfect for containers, small gardens and as an accent in the front of the garden. Intoxicating fragrance and glossy foliage.

Gardenia jasminoides ‘4KIMYMJ01’ PPAF Read more... (Zone 6b) (2.5’ h x 3’ w) Large double blooms start early in the season on this diminutive plant. Dark glossy green leaves are enhanced by the reblooming display of flowers making this compact plant perfect for planters, raised beds, or small-space gardens. Beautiful fragrance!

Gardenia jasminoides ‘4MARIAJ01’ PPAF Read more... (Zone 6b) (4’ h x 5’ w) Swan Queen® is a commanding yet lovely presence in the garden with abundant reblooming double flowers covering a dense mound of glossy foliage. Superior pest & disease resistance, and cold tolerance. Perfect for white and moon gardens.

Gardenia jasminoides ‘PIIGA-II’ PP#27,258 Read more... (Zone 7) (5’ h x 5’ w) A Plant Introductions cross between Double Mint™ and Pinwheel™ giving you the best features of both. Gorgeous, heavily fragrant tennis ball size double flowers adorn its dark green foliage. A heavy rebloomer and more cold hardy – surviving 4-6° here in Georgia.

Read more... (Zone 5) (Perennial to 5’) Large pink flowers with a darker eye.

Read more... (Zone 5) (Perennial to 5’) Large crimson red ruffled flowers in July.

Hydrangea paniculata ‘PIIHP-1’ PP#23,387 Read more... (Zone 4) (3-5’ h x 3-5’ w) Plantarium 2015 Gold Medal Winner. Attractive dark green foliage, full white inflorescences held upright on strong stems and a compact, rounded habit - a robust, innovative combination. Foliage holds up well in our summers. Sepals cover its fertile flowers. One of our favorites!

Hydrangea paniculata ‘Renba’ PP28,509 Read more... (Zone 3) (6-7’ h x 4-5’ w) This stunning paniculata has strong upright stems with full 6-8” long cone-shaped panicles. Sepals progress from white to dark pink, starting in late July, with color progressing from bottom to top of the panicle. Early evaluations indicate it is more resistant to heat and has less sepal burn in Zone 8 than other paniculatas.

Hydrangea macrophylla ’COFHM2’ PP32,242 Read more... (Zone 6) (3-4’ h x 3-4’ w) Unique mosaic of green & pink sepals in a mophead inflorescence, 4-6” in diameter. Flowers held upright on strong stems, persisting and holding color in heat and drought. Compact in habit and highly stable with an occasional pure pink flower developing. Floral sport of ‘Greenmantle’.

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘GRIFFHY- 01’ PP30308 Read more... (Zone 6) (5’) A golden yellow sport of ‘Penny Mac’. Electric golden yellow foliage in the spring. The bloom, whether pink or blue, stands out against its bright foliage. Unlike most yellow foliaged plants, Golden Penny™ is a vigorous grower and has the same remontance ability as ‘Penny Mac’

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Lady in Red’ PP#15,175 Read more... (Zone 6-9) (4’) An introduction from Michael Dirr and UGA. The lacecap blooms are a pink/white that fade to a burgundy red. The stem, petioles, and leaf venation are red. Fall color is an attractive burgundy. Bred for dark green foliage, mildew resistance and leaf spot resistance. Photo courtesy of Gardener's Confidence® Collection.

Hydrangea paniculata ‘Bailpanone’ PPAF Read more... (Zone 4) (3-5’ h x 3-5’ w) This well-branched, compact paniculata is an exciting alternative to Little Lime®. Flowers are dense panicles 4 to 5” long and wide, emerging bright green, then white. Tight flower clusters on strong stems cover this plant from bottom to top. It’s natural basal branching allows it to grow into a well-shaped plant with minimal pruning. Bred in GA for heat tolerance.

Read more... (Zone 6) (3-4’ h x 3-4’ w) Compact, dense mophead with large, dense inflorescences held aloft on strong upright stems. Prolific bloomer with blossoms ranging in color from dark indigo-blue to deep rosy-pink depending on soil pH. In autumn, florets mature to a rich plum. Holds up well as cut flower or for drying.

Read more... (Zone 6) (5’) One of the best reblooming Hydrangeas. Pink in alkaline soils, blue in acidic soils. Tight growth habit.

Read more... (Zone 3) (8-10’) Creamy white flowers, becoming pink with age. Largest flower heads of all paniculata cultivars with strong stems. ‘Phantom’ was the most popular cultivar at the 2006 Hydrangea Conference in Ghent, Belgium and a recipient of the RHS Award of Garden Merit.

Hydrangea macrophylla 'COF-HM3' PPAF

Read more... (Zone 3) (6-8’) Full white flowers on strong stems. Impressive flower, foliage and habit. Winner of the ‘Award ofGarden Merit’ from the Royal Horticulture Society.

Hydrangea paniculata ‘Rensun’ PP#25,438 Read more... (Zone 4) (5’ h x 4’ w) A more compact version of Vanilla Strawberry®. Flowers emerge white and progress to pink and then strawberry red. Bred by Jean Renault of France.

Hydrangea paniculata ‘LeeP1’ PPIP Read more... (Zone 3) (4-6’ h x 3-5’w) Oversized clusters of white, pillow-like blooms are supported on sturdy, upright branches. A dazzler as a cut flower or in the garden! Compact, mounding habit.

Hydrangea paniculata ‘Renhy’ PP#20,670 Read more... (Zone 4) (7’ h x 6’ w) Creamy white flowers in midsummer, changing to pink and finally to a strawberry red. New blooms emerge as older blooms change color resulting in lovely blend in late summer. Bred by Jean Renault of France.

Read more... (Zone 5) (4’ h x 3’ w) Large lacecap blooms and sturdy upright growth habit. When blued, one of the best blue lacecaps on the market. Dark green foliage contrasts well with its outstanding glossy dark purple black stems. Recipient of the RHS Award of Garden Merit.

Hypericum kalmianum 'PIIHYP-1' PP#25,318 Read more... (Zones 4-7) (2-3’ h x 4-5’ w) This mounded grower has blue-silver foliage blanketed with sunny yellow flowers in late spring and early summer. Irresistible to butterflies! Another Plant Introductions, Inc.

Read more... (Zone 5) (3’) Semi-evergreen shrub with blue-green foliage and bright yellow flowers in May-June.

Ilex crenata ‘MAD-IC-I’ PPAFIlex crenata ‘MAD-IC-I’ PPAF Read more... (Zone 6) (5-7’ h x 3-4’ w) Chubby Hubby™ has a more oval habit than Straight & Narrow, but has similar leaves and strong upright branches. Its leaves are flat, do not cup, and remain a glossy dark green all winter. Male. Bred by Dr. Michael Dirr at the University of Georgia.

Ilex glabra ‘Alexander’ Read more... (Zone 5b) (2-3’ h x 3-4’ w) A compact, smaller-leafed form with a mounded habit. Leaves are dark green and smaller than the average inkberry leaf. Its notable trait is that leaves are retained on the lower branches and it is branched right to the ground. A female, but rarely produces fruits. Has taken Georgia heat and drought.

Ilex hybrid ‘Magden’ PPIP Read more... (Zone 6) (15-20’ h x 12-15’ w) This evergreen with golden variegated foliage imparts year round interest in the landscape.

Ilex x ‘RutHol3’ PPAF Read more... - (Zone 6b) (10-15’ h x 1-2’ w) Burgundy flushed new growth on this upright-growing holly creates a strong vertical accent in the landscape. Its spineless soft leaves mature to a rich glossy green. It has strong stems that won’t flop open and fits well in tight spots without pruning. Resistant to spider mites. Bred by Dr. John Ruter of UGA.

Ilex crenata ‘PIIIC-1’ PP#29,578 Read more... (Zone 6) (8’ h x 3’ w) An improvement over ‘Sky Pencil’. Shiny dark green foliage with strong branching. In ground, trial plant is currently 6’ x 1.5’ without the typical ‘Sky Pencil’s’ splaying. Bred by Plant Introductions, Inc.

Read more... (Zone 4) (10') A stunning Ilex known for its large clusters of red fruit in the fall and winter.

Illicium parviflorum ‘PIIIP-I’ PP#28,887 Read more... (Zone 7) (6-8’ h x 6-8’ w) A seedling that displays the same yellow foliage as ‘Florida Sunshine’. BananAppeal™ has a tighter growth habit, smaller foliage and is more production friendly. The foliage is held closer to a 90° angle rather than the 45° angle of ‘Florida Sunshine’.

Read more... (Zone 7) (12’) A selection of parviflorum with yellow foliage. Same growth habit, foliage shape and fragrance as parviflorum. Prefers light shade.

Read more... (Zone 5) (5’) Very adaptable native shrub for sun, shade, wet, or dry. White fragrant flowers in May with brilliant garnet fall color. Best fall color of all the Itea cultivars.

Itea virginica ‘Bailteaone’ PP#31,318 Read more... (Zone 5) (3-4’ h x 3-4’ w) A lovely compact rounded form with exceptionally heavy bloom of fragrant white racemes in spring. Bright green foliage turns to an absolutely gorgeous burgundy fall color. Adaptable to sun, shade, moist or dry soil.
Jasminum nudiflorum

Read more... Broad spreading evergreen with yellow flowers in Jan/Feb. Excellent for banks and poor soils in the full sun.

Read more... (Zone 6) (18” x 4’ wide) Striking golden-colored groundcover. Has performed exceptionally well in our southern summers, holding its color and attracting a lot of interest. Drought tolerant, deer resistant.

Lagerstroemia 'GAMAD VI' PP22,161

Lagerstroemia ‘GAMAD I’ PP#16,917 Read more... (Zone 6) (3’) Cherry red flowers in July. Prostrate growth habit and orange/red new growth. Fall color is burgundy red.

Lagerstroemia ‘Coral Magic’ PP#23,922 Read more... (Zone 6) (6’) Intense salmon-pink flowers in mid-June. Reddish new growth, becoming dark green in summer.

Lagerstroemia ‘GAMAD V’ PP#17,411 Read more... (Zone 6) (3’) This selection has prolific pink flowers offset by olive green foliage.

Lagerstroemia ‘PIILAG-1’ PP#23,168 Read more... (Zone 6) (3-4’) Compact, yet fast growing, white flowering crapemyrtle. Ten year old plant is 3 foot tall, 4 Ft. wide and covered in flowers in mid-July. Impressive!

Lagerstromia indica ‘Whit II’

Lagerstroemia ‘Baillagone’ PP#30,360 Read more... (Zone 7) (6-10’ h x 4-8’ w) Glossy purple-black foliage and prolific white flower clusters on red stems abound on this lovely plant. Tight, rounded growth habit with clean foliage, more generous flower production and more immediate in stature than Moonlight, and displays good cold hardiness.

Lagerstroemia 'PIILAG-IV' PP#25,478 Read more... (Zone 6) (8-12’ h x 4-6’ w) A sister seedling of Midnight Magic™. Same disease resistance and superb dark maroon foliage. Abundant white flowers and upright habit. Perfect as small patio or container tree, large enough to stand on its own in the landscape

Lagerstroemia hybrid ‘GAMAD VIII’ PP#23,499 Read more... (Zone 6) (6’) A cotton candy pink bloom in early June. Burgundy buds open to a blush of color. Mid-size habit and clean foliage. From Dr. Dirr’s breeding at UGA.

Lagerstroemia ‘Plum Magic’ PP#23,518 Read more... (Zone 6) (6-8’) Stunning plum-purple new growth matures to graygreen on a shrub with intermediate upright rounded growth habit. Flowers are fuchsia-pink. May dead-head and will rebloom in approximately 4 weeks.

Lagerstroemia hybrid ‘GAMAD IX’ PP#23,560 Read more... (Zone 6) (8’) A midsize grower with dark purple flowers and dark green foliage. Reddish stems on new growth. Blooms in late June/ early July. Another selection from Dr. Dirr’s breeding at UGA.

Lagerstroemia ‘Purple Magic’ PP#23,906 Read more... (Zone 6) (6’) Dark purple flowers with glossy green foliage. Easily maintained in the 3 to 4 Ft. range. Remove old blooms to promote reblooming in 4 to 5 weeks.

Lagerstroemia ‘PIILAG-III’ PP#23,178 Read more... (Zone 6) (8-10’) An excellent mid-size upright grower with true red flowers, maroon new growth, dark green foliage. An open pollinated seedling of Cherry Dazzle®.

Read more... Zone 6) (15’ h x 10’ w) A Red Rooster® x Red Rocket® cross selected from hundreds of field grown seedlings for Cercospora resistance. Far superior to Red Rocket® and Dynamite® in comparison trials. Winner of 2015 Far West Show People’s Choice Award – Best of Show. Its cherry red flower is unusual in that its yellow stamens are hidden behind the red sepals, giving the appearance of clusters of red carnations. Habit upright, yet compact with dense branching. Very unique!

Lagerstroemia ‘PIILAG-II’ PP# 23,071 Read more... (Zone 6) (2’ h x 3’ w) Neon-rose colored flowers and compact habit. In flower by mid-June in Georgia.

Lagerstroemia ‘PIILAG-IX’ PP#29,325 Read more... (Zone 6) (4-6’ h x 4-6’ w) A cross between Red Magic™ and Twilight Magic™, this beauty has brilliant cherry red flowers that pop against its flat black foliage. Sunset Magic™ is easy to pick out from a distance and has great Cercospora resistance.

Read more... (Zone 7) (15’) Dark coral pink flowers with red-orange fall color.

Read more... (Zone 7) (6’) Upright growth habit with whorled leaves.

Ligustrum sinense ‘Sunshine’ PP20379 Read more... (Zone 6) (3-6’ h x 3-4’ w) Year round golden foliage that flourishes in full sun. Sterile, noninvasive cultivar will not reseed and does not bloom. Compact habit – a best seller!

Read more... (Zone 6) (6’) Best foliage and growth habit of any variegated Ligustrum that I have seen. From Lanny Thomas at Swift Creek Nursery in Clayton, NC.

Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum ‘PIILC-I’ PP#25,534 Read more... (Zone 7) (2’ h x 3’ w) The ultimate “Wow” plant. The parent in the field is 2Ft. by 3Ft. after 4 years. Neon-pink flowers and dense rich ruby-red foliage. Improved cold hardiness compared to other compact Loropetalums. A seedling of Little Rose Dawn® Loropetalum.

Read more... (Zone 7) (3’) Compact, low growing cultivar from Japan. Height is equal to its spread. Burgundy foliage, light pink blooms and smaller leaf.

Loropetalum chinense ‘Chang Nian Hong’ Read more... (Zone 7) (5’) The first true red-blooming Loropetalum, introduced by Griffith. Intense red flowers in spring and fall contrast with dark burgundy foliage. Foliage retains its dark color throughout the year.

Loropetalum ‘PIILC-III’ PP25471 Read more... (Zone 7) (2-3’ h x 3-4’ w) This beauty has year-round dark purple foliage and lovely pink flowers each spring. A compact loropetalum with a nice mounding habit.

Read more... (Zone 7) (6’) Ruby red foliage and pink flowers in April/May.

Read more... Upright with deep purple/red outside to white inside.

Magnolia stellata ‘Centennial Blush’ PP#22,248 Read more... (Zones 4-9) (12-18’ h x 10-15’ w) Pink buds open to incredibly full and wonderfully fragrant pale pink flowers in spring. A prolific bloomer that can be grown as a large shrub or small tree. Perfectly suited for the small urban garden. Bred by Dr. Michael A. Dirr

Read more... (Zone 4) (15') Features deep purple flowers.

Read more... (Zone 4) (10’) Broad growing with white flowers in Feb/March.

Mahonia x media ‘Marvel’ PP27425 Read more... (Zone 6) (6’ h x 4’ w) Sprays of fragrant yellow flowers appear in late fall, early winter, developing into clusters of wax-coated berries late summer and early autumn. Statuesque and upright with large frond-like leaves.

Mahonia eurybracteata ‘Soft Caress’ PP20183 Read more... (Zone 7) (3’ h x 3.5’ w) Bright yellow flowers stand atop the slender, bamboo-like foliage in early winter. Evergreen foliage provides outstanding texture in the shade garden; perfect for an Asian garden or as a specimen.

Rhododendron ‘Conlee’ PP10567 Read more... (Zone 6a) (4’ h x 4’ w) Trials show this vibrant variety to be one of the most cold-hardy of the Encore® Azalea line. Dark lavender blooms, lustrous green summer foliage and attractive purple winter foliage.

Rhododendron ‘Robleg’ PP15227 Read more... (Zone 7) (3’ h x 3’ w) 3” pure white flowers, almost iridescent in morning light, and glossy deep green leaves. A dwarf variety for the garden.

Rhododendron ‘Robleza’ PP29,770 Read more... (Zone 6a) (3’ h x 3.5’ w) Literally glows with numerous 2.5” true red, semidouble and single blooms spring, summer and fall. A fast-growing dwarf with bright green foliage year-round. We expect this to be our big seller.

Rhododendron ‘Roblec’ PP15339 Read more... (Zone 6a) (4.5’ h x 4’ w) Ruffled pink 2.5” blooms cover this plant spring, summer and fall. Glossy deep green leaves in spring and summer turn purple in fall and winter. Perfect complement to this heavy bloomer!

(Zone 7) (2.5’ h x 3’ w) Compact growing and a heavy bloomer. Light pink blooms with a splash of dark pink in the center.

Rhododendron ‘Conled’ PP10568 Read more... (Zone 7) (2.5’ h x 3’ w) A dwarf with soft coral pink 2.75” blooms dotted with bright fuchsia centers. Blooms well in spring and more profusely through later months.

Rhododendron ‘Conleb’ PP10581 Read more... (Zone 6b) (3’ h x 3.5’ w) Deep orangered blooms on this dwarf beauty makes this one of the most popular of the Encore® varieties. Outstanding in the landscape!

Rhododendron ‘Conles’ PP#12109 Read more... (Zone 6b) (4’ h x 3’ w) Medium pink blooms contrast with its dense, dark green foliage. Lovely as a specimen as well as in a foundation planting.

Rhododendron ‘Roblez’ PP28279 Read more... (Zone 6a) (2.5’ h x 3’ w) This dwarf has rich, true red semi-double velvety blooms. Glossy, dark green foliage which deepens to purple bronze in winter gives this beauty year-round appeal.

Rhododendron ‘Roblev’ PP25046 Read more... (Zone 7) (2.5’ h x 3’ w) Compact grower with huge quantities of bright white flowers spring, summer & fall. One of the best for containers and foundation plantings.

Rhodendron ‘Robles’ PP22762 Read more... (Zone 6a) (3’h x 3.5’ w) Brilliant lavender blooms accented with darker purple freckles. This dwarf, cold hardy evergreen was selected for its rounded habit.

Rhododendron ‘Roblex’ PP25073 Read more... (Zone 6a) (4.5’ h x 4’ w) Profuse white blooms with rare single purple stripes are contrasted against deep green foliage. Robust upright growth habit.

Rhododendron ‘Robleza’ PPAF Read more... (Zone 6a) (3’ h x 3’ w) This beauty glows with masses of 2.5” ruffled, semi-double, dark purple blooms in spring, summer and fall. Rounded, compact habit and evergreen foliage which stays bright green in winter.

Rhododendron ‘Conlec’ PP10580 Read more... (Zone 6A) (4.5’ h x 4’ w) Large, 3.5” purple blooms with dark green foliage. This robust upright grower was voted Azalea of the Year by the American Rhododendron Society.

Rhododendron ‘Roblet’ PP25072 Read more... (Zone 6a) (3’ h x 3.5’ w) Coral pink blooms with white ruffled edges provide a lovely contrast to its compact dark green foliage. Profuse bloomer and dwarf habit.

Rhododendron ‘Roblen’ PP16248 Read more... (Zone 6a) (3’ h x 3.5’ w) Deep green foliage and vivid orange-red blooms. Spectacular dwarf!

Rhododendron ‘Conlep’ PP12133 Read more... (Zone 6a) (4.5’h x 4’ w) Unique white and purple striped blooms with an occasional completely purple bloom. Lustrous dark green foliage.

Read more... (Zone 3) (15’) Salmon-pink new shoots are produced on long wispy stems. New shoots mature to a white variegation that persists throughout the summer. Another recipient of RHS Award of Garden Merit.

Read more... (Zone 3) (15’) Salmon-pink new shoots are produced on long wispy stems. New shoots mature to a white variegation that persists throughout the summer. Another recipient of RHS Award of Garden Merit.
All photos courtesy of Encore® Azalea

Read more... Evergreen shrub for the shade. Dark green foliage and fragrant white flowers in Feb. make this under used plant a winner. Beautiful fruit go from a red to black.

Read more... I came across this plant at Hilliers Arboretum in England, in their winter garden. The fragrance of the border planting in bloom in early March was incredible. This selection is from seed collected in the wild from Nepal. Dark green evergreen foliage prefers shade.

Read more... (3’ h x 4’ w) Dark green evergreen shrub for partial shade to shade. Fragrant white flowers in early winter followed by shiny black fruit. Larger foliage and tighter growth habit than S. confusa.

Read more... (Zone 3) (4’) Green foliage with dark pink flowers.

Read more... (Zone 3) (2’) Low mounding cultivar with pink flowers and yellow foliage.

Read more... (Zone 3) (1.5’) Low growing cultivar with pink flowers and orange/red new growth. Introduced by David Tristram of the United Kingdom. RHS Award of Garden Merit winner.

Read more... (Zone 3)(6’ h x 6’ w) In an attempt to find a lilac that performs in the South, Plant Introductions Inc. brought in every species and cultivar they could find and planted them in the field for evaluation. A couple of years later, ‘Red Pixie’ is the only one remaining and thriving. ‘Red Pixie’ has also thrived as a container and liner. The dark reddish purple flowers arrive in early April in Zone 7. Wonderfully fragrant!

Read more... (Zone 3) (6-12’ h x 3-5’ w) A narrow columnar form with dark green fern-like shaped sprays. Twisted foliage, bronzes in cold weather

Read more... (Zone 4) (3’) A compact Thuja with golden foliage that withstands the heat in the South.

Read more... Fast growing with broad pyramidal growth habit.

Read more... (Zone 5) (50’) Fast growing like ‘Green Giant’ but more columnar in growth habit. Has held dark green foliage throughout the winter.

Read more... A narrow compact pyramidal form with emerald green foliage.

Thuja occidentalis ‘RutThu3’ PPAF Read more... (Zone 4-8) (4-6’ h x 3-4’ w) Moderately sized arborvitae with a broad conical form and tight habit. Yellow new growth is retained in summer when grown in full sun. Bred in Georgia and heat tolerant. It also survived -33° in Jan. 2019 without winter burn. Further north, its foliage takes on lovely orange tones during winter. Resistant to Passalora/Cercospora needle blight. Bred by Dr. John Ruter at the Univ. of GA.

Thuja occidentalis ‘’RutThu4’ PPAF Read more... (Zone 4-8) (3-5’ h x 3-5’ w) Planet Earth™ has a perfectly rounded, dense habit without any shearing. It is similar in size to Little Giant but has better foliage density giving it a more formal look. The foliage takes on bronze tones in colder climates. Planet Earth™ was bred in Georgia by Dr. John Ruter at the University of Georgia. It grows well in our hot, humid south as well as handling cold temperatures.

Thuja occidentalis 'RutThu5' PPAF Read more... Tall Guy™ is a moderate to fast growing upright, columnar Thuja. This new introduction has better production value than Emerald ('Smaragd') as it can be produced with a single liner. Plants mature with a single leader unlike Emerald which typically has multiple leaders resulting in gaps in the plants. Tall Guy™ was bred in Georgia and grows very well there. It also survived -33°F in January 2019 without any winter burn.

Read more... (Zone 7) (4-6” h x 3’ w) A beautiful evergreen accent groundcover with new growth exhibiting colors of copper, white with green splotches and white with soft to medium pink leaves. Best color in light shade to part sun. Variegation persists into winter months.

Read more... (Zone 7) (15’) Dark glossy green foliage. Excellent for screening.

Viburnum plicatum ‘PIIVIB-II’ PP#28,958 Read more... (Zone 5) (8’ h x 8’ w) A seedling of V. plicatum f. tomentosum ‘Spellbound’, this glorious plant has white snowball-like flowers that appear in late April in Georgia. A compact growth habit and wonderfully textured dark green foliage. Magnificent fall color.

Read more... (Zone 5) (8’ h x 8’ w) A dense upright deciduous shrub with 6-inch white flowers in April – May. Dark green foliage with red-purple fall color. 2012 RHS Award of Garden Merit recipient.

Read more... (Zone 7) (6’) Evergreen Viburnum with pink buds in the winter followed by light pink flowers in the spring.

Viburnum Spring Lace™ Read more... (Zone 6) (10’ h x 6’ w) A seedling of the National Arboretum introduction ‘Nantucket’, Spring Lace™ possesses dark semi-evergreen foliage and a dense compact growth habit. Large white flowers cover the foliage in April/May. Introduced by Plant Introductions, Inc.

Vitex agnus-castus ‘PIIVAC-I’ PP#25,914 Read more.... (Zone 6) (8’) Compact, rounded to upright spreading growth habit. Dark bluish purple flowers and dark green foliage. Resistance to leaf spot. Introduced by Plant Introductions, Inc.

Vitex x ‘Bailtexone’ PP#30,283 Read more... (Zone 7) (6-8’ h x 8-10’ w) Flip Side® is cloaked in 8” panicles of fragrant deep purple flowers. A strong rebloomer with greyish olive-green leaves that are dusky purple on the underside. Winner of best Novelty Plant at IPM Essen 2019. Developed at Plant Introductions, Inc.

Vitex agnus-castus ‘Bailtextwo’ PP#30,852 Read more... (Zone 3) (6-8’ h x 6-8’ w) An intermediate-sized Vitex with fragrant beautiful pink flowers born on long panicles. Dark green foliage with dense & full branching. Slightly smaller at maturity than Delta Blues™.

Read more... (Zone 6) (12’) A superior cultivar with lilac fragrant flowers from June-Sept. Vigorous grower with clean foliage. Introduced by Goodness Grows in Lexington, GA.

Read more... (Zone 5) (20’) Deep lavender-blue fragrant flowers in mid-April. Reblooms throughout the summer. Much easier to maintain than other wisterias.
Below we have provided the current USDA Hardiness Zone Map. Before placing an order we encourage you to check this in accordance with your location and the plants you wish to purchase.
(Click map to zoom in)